The answer for your question is Yes! You can drink the recycled water coming from the Sewage treatment plants if properly treated. Mostly when the people hear about sewage treatment plant, they think of all the domestic waste water going from our kitchen sinks, bathroom, washrooms etc. with the thought of sewage being filthy and the water after being treated see them as filthy as well. But that’s not the case always. Many people across the country utilizes the treated sewage water for agricultural & farming purposes, commercial, & industrial purposes. Therefore, it can be derived that drinking water is recycled from the treated sewage waste water. So now talk about can we use stp water for drinking.

For making the treated water from the Sewage treatment plant suitable for drinking/consumption purposes, it has to go through several levels of cleansing. Thus, for instance, sewage water can be cleansed sufficiently to be utilized for irrigation and agriculture. It can then be cleansed further for drinking reasons.

The first level involves the conversion of sewage water to recovered water. It’s honestly not that difficult.  The sewage water is forwarded to various distillation processing levels. The end outcome is clean with no brown water present anymore.

However, the water isn’t pristine at this point. As an outcome of what is, it is ready to be utilized for agricultural and industrial purposes.

The next level is the conversion of the recovered water in to recycled water. At this point, the recovered water receives extra treatment to make it safe for consumption. At the present moment, maximum people has now accepted to believe that this treated recycled water from the Sewage Treatment Plant is generally more safer in composition than any available drinking water and their sources.

Normally a sewage , waste water has to go through various stages of purification to be releasing it into the environment safely without any harmful hazardous substances or for any other purposes. Few of the major stages of working processes of the STPs can be as follows :

Preliminary Treatment :

First , the waste water is forced to pass through a process in which the coarser solid particles are get rid of using big screens of filters that  screens-out the solid items .

Primary Treatment :

The main treatment is where the sewage travels , where the heavier solids settles down at the bottom, & only the lighter , floating particles like oil- grease float on the surface. Both solid & floating particles are removed , & the remaining wastewater can be discharged through the outlets or routed to secondary treatment for additional treatment .

Secondary Treatment :

The secondary stage removes organic debris that has dissolved & is suspended from the effluents . Secondary treatment is carried out by natural & water-borne micro-organisms like as fungus , bacteria , & protozoa that consume biodegradable dissolvable contaminants such as sugar , fat , cleaner , & food waste . A stage of separation process  is required to remove the microorganisms from the treated water prior to release or for further tertiary treatment .

Tertiary Treatment

In this final stage , the water is filtered once more to remove any remaining waste from the auxiliary or secondary treatment . The waste water is then cleansed & dis-infected using chemicals that completely filter the water before it is returned to its natural environment or for further processing this water into the recycled water which may be used for different consumptive purposes.

Further, this water procured from the tertiary treatment of sewage treatment plant can be sent to the water treatment plants using Reverse Osmosis(RO) techniques to make it suitable for the consumptive purposes.Can we use stp water for drinking. The answer is Yes.

If anyone wants to explore the world of treatment plant systems for a commercial RO plant, or any types of water treatment plants like an Industrial RO plant (which is a sub-type of commercial RO plant), WTPs , ETPs, STPs , then Netsol Water  is the best company for the manufacturing of these .  The most reliable , the most trusted manufacturer and a  consultancy venture Netsol Water provides a grand solution for almost most of  the problems regarding water , and waste water treatments . The company NetSol Water show cases of a wide variety of  its manufacturing in the segment of commercial Reverse Osmosis(RO) plant , industrial  RO plant , Sewage Treatment  Plant(STP)  , Water Softener Plant , & Effluent  Treatment Plant(ETP) , Ozonation Plant  etc,. So these are the factors where we can say that the Can We Use STP Water For Drinking.

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